beyond the normal variations that have occurred in the last 8,000 years

If Global Warming existed, then Canada's climate should show the rising temperature trends. Canada covers a significant portion of the Arctic and the Northern Hemisphere. If there is any country in the world that will show Global warming trends, Canada should be it. But Canada does NOT show any general increasing trends in temperatures.

I have graphed the data for a few major cities across Canada, trying to cover the climate ranges around the country.

It is easy to see that the temperature trends are CONSTANT or DECREASING from 1940 to 1980, rising for the 1980s and 1990s, and DECREASING since then. If the world temperatures were rising due to CO2 or any other reason, then the temperature trends across Canada including the Arctic can not be CONSTANT from 1940 to 1980, and can not be DECREASING since 2000. The rise of the 1980's and 1990's is simply a NORMAL minor variation like many that have occurred over the millennium. There is no evidence that CO2 or anything else is causing a general increase in world temperatures.

The following graphs are graphs of the monthly mean temperatures for each city, from the beginning of Environment Canada's data available to present. The First graph is the Canadian Yearly Summer Mean Temperatures from Environment Canada.

Canada Summer Means



Resolute Bay, the farthest north data. Updated to Sept 30, 2019.



St. John's Nfld

DOWNLOAD of City Data:

The Environment Canada data is available in one year at a time for hourly data, in .csv format, or in monthly averages the whole set at a time. You can download the data from Environment Canada here:
Environment Canada Weather Office Archives

Detailed instructions for getting the city data:
Click on the "Climate Data Online" button on the left.
Click on the "Customized Search" button in the lower center.
Enter the name of the city you want data for in the "Search by Station Name:" box,
Click on "Search"
Set your data interval to daily or monthly, click on "Go"
At the bottom right side of the page is a option for bulk data. If you select daily temperatures, the bulk data is for one year, if you select the monthly option, the bulk data is for all years in the range listed. The bulk data in .csv format is easily loaded into MS Excel, and the following graphs can be derived from them.
The trend lines on the graphs are from excel, by right clicking on graph lines and selecting trend line. The Linear option is not appropriate. The 5th or 6th degree polynomial is the proper way to trend it. Each degree allows for another curve up or down. A liner trend assumes that there is only one constant change in the past 50-60 years. You want a 5th or 6th degree trend to allow for the best fit to the ups and downs of the years. Sometimes a 5th or 6th will give a strange result that does not fit the lines, and it makes sense to chose the other degree. This happens particularly when there is data missing and the trends struggle to fit in a lot of zeros, as with St. John's that fits a 5th degree better than a 6th.